Top Tier Gasoline/Diesel


2017/11/14 13:38:07


#6032379 IP 110.28.*.* 修改過 2 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/11/14 13:41:35

發文IP 110.28.*.*

美國市場有再推 Top Tier Gasoline / Diesel,台灣不知何時會有!?

2017/11/14 18:12:03

發文IP 27.246.*.*

美國市場有再推 Top Tier Gasoline / Diesel,台灣不知何時會有!?

美國市場有再推 Top Tier Gasoline / Diesel,台灣不知何時會有!?






2017/11/15 00:13:52


#6032419 IP 49.218.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

top tier是怎麼個top法?辛烷值更高,還是調整過配方可以減少積碳。但我猜台灣的兩家大廠,會出來說台灣的油品已經經過最嚴密的品質管控,不會輸給top tier的


2017/11/15 09:21:20


#6032428 IP 27.246.*.* 修改過 1 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2017/11/15 10:27:44

發文IP 27.246.*.*

回應 airstage(氣噗噗)所寫


top tier是怎麼個top法?辛烷值更高,還是調整過配方可以減少積碳。但我猜台灣的兩家大廠,會出來說台灣的油品已經經過最嚴密的品質管控,不會輸給top tier的



回應 airstage(氣噗噗)所寫


top tier是怎麼個top法?辛烷值更高,還是調整過配方可以減少積碳。但我猜台灣的兩家大廠,會出來說台灣的油品已經經過最嚴密的品質管控,不會輸給top tier的


跟辛烷值無關,我的理解是與"減少積碳或汙垢"有關!台灣的兩家大廠就不曉得了,只希望加油站的地下油槽能保持乾淨,減少水分與雜質!以下為TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline標準:


TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline Deposit Control Performance Standard Revision D - May 2016

1.1 Performance Description.   This document describes the deposit control performance of an unleaded gasoline at the retail level that minimizes deposits on fuel injectors, intake valves, and combustion chambers.

All performance testing must be conducted at an independent, ISO 17025 accredited laboratory.

3. Definitions

3.1 A2LA – the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation

3.2 Independent Laboratory – a mechanical and/or chemical testing organization not associated with the business entity seeking TOP TIER™ Detergent Gasoline status, accredited by the A2LA for technical competence in mechanical and chemical testing in accordance with the latest version of ISO 17025, General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

4. Standards.

4.1 Retail Gasoline Performance Standards.   The deposit control performance of unleaded gasoline conforming to section 4 of this document shall be met at the retail level in all grades of gasoline sold by a fuel company in all marketing areas of a selected nation. In addition, conformance to the standards shall mean gasoline sold in the selected nation shall not contain metallic additives, including methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT).

4.2 Deposit Control Additive Requirements.   The deposit control additive used to meet the performance Standards described in 4.3 shall meet the substantially similar definition under Section 211(f) of the Clean Air Act. Also, the additive shall be certified to have met the minimum deposit control requirements established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 40 CFR Part 80. Lastly, the additive shall be registered with the EPA in accordance with 40 CFR Part 79.

4.3 Deposit Control Initial Performance Standard.   All performance testing and fuel composition analysis shall be conducted by an Independent Laboratory. Initial deposit control performance shall be demonstrated using the tests shown below.

4.3.1 Intake Valve Keep Clean Initial Performance Standard. Test Method.   Intake valve deposit (IVD) keep clean performance shall be demonstrated using ASTM D 6201, Standard Test Method for Dynamometer Evaluation of Unleaded Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel for Intake Valve Deposit Formation. Tests demonstrating base fuel minimum deposit level ( and additive performance ( shall be conducted using the same engine block and cylinder head. All results shall be derived from operationally valid tests in accordance with the test validation criteria of ASTM D 6201. IVD results shall be reported for individual valves and as an average of all valves. Base Fuel.   The base fuel shall conform to ASTM D 4814 and shall contain commercial fuel grade ethanol conforming to ASTM D 4806. All gasoline blend stocks used to formulate the base fuel shall be representative of normal U.S. refinery operations and shall be derived from conversion units downstream of distillation. Butanes and pentanes are allowed for vapor pressure adjustment. The use of chemical streams is prohibited. The base fuel shall have the following specific properties after the addition of ethanol:

  1. Contain nominally 10.0% ± 1% by volume ethanol as measured by ASTM D 4815 or D 5845.
  2. Contain no less than 8 volume percent olefins as measured by ASTM D 1319 or D 6729.
  3. Contain no less than 28 volume percent aromatics as measured by ASTM D 1319 or D 6729.
  4. Contain no more than 80 mg/kg sulfur as measured by ASTM D 2622 or D 5453.
  5. Produce a 90% evaporated distillation temperature no less than 290°F as measured by ASTM D86.
  6. Produce IVD no less than 500 mg averaged over all intake valves.
  7. A Certificate of Analysis showing both the detailed test fuel composition results and source should accompany the additive results package. This certificate should also contain the unwashed and washed gum level of the base fuel according to ASTM D381. Demonstration of Performance.   The base fuel from shall contain enough deposit control additive such that IVD is no more than 50 mg averaged over all intake valves. Results for individual valves and an average shall be reported. The unwashed gum level of the fuel containing deposit control additive shall be determined according to ASTM D 381 and reported.

4.3.2 Combustion Chamber Deposit Initial Performance Standard. Test Method.  Combustion chamber deposits (CCD) shall be collected and weighed along with IVD using ASTM D 6201, Standard Test Method for Dynamometer Evaluation of Unleaded Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel for Intake Valve Deposit Formation. ASTM D 6201 does not contain a procedure for collecting and measuring CCD. Adapting a scrape and weigh procedure developed by CARB is recommended (see referenced test method dated March 12, 1999). Results for individual cylinders and an average shall be reported. Base Fuel.  Combustion chamber deposits shall be measured for the base fuel from Demonstration of Performance.  The base fuel from treated with additive at the concentration meeting the standard found in shall not result in more than 140% of the average CCD weight for the base fuel without additive.

4.3.3 Intake Valve Sticking Initial Performance Standard. Test Method.   Intake valve sticking tendency shall be determined using either the 1.9 L Volkswagen engine (Wasserboxer according to CEC F-16-T-96) or the 5.0 L 1990-95 General Motors V-8 engine (SWRI IVS test). Two options are available for demonstrating intake valve sticking tendency. Option 1.   The valve-sticking tendency of the test fuel by itself will not have to be demonstrated prior to testing the candidate additive. The following shall be required of all tests:

  1. Test fuel shall be either the same as in or CEC valve sticking reference fuel.
  2. Concentration of deposit control additive in the test fuel shall be at least twice the amount determined in
  3. Test temperature shall be -20°C.
  4. Three 16-hr cold soak cycles, each followed by a compression pressure check, shall constitute a complete test. Demonstration of Performance   A pass shall result in no stuck valves during any of the three cold starts. A stuck valve is defined as one in which the cylinder pressure is less than 80% of the normal average cylinder compression pressure. Option 2.  The valve-sticking tendency of the test fuel together with an additive known to cause valve sticking shall be demonstrated prior to testing the candidate additive. The following shall be required of all tests:

  1. Test fuel shall be either the same as in or CEC valve sticking test reference fuel.
  2. An additive known to cause valve sticking shall be selected, and, when blended into test fuel, shall demonstrate valve sticking tendency as follows: (a) for the Volkswagen engine, at least two valves shall be stuck; (b) for the GM engine, at least three valves shall be stuck.
  3. Tests demonstrating performance of the candidate additive shall be conducted at a concentration that is at least three times the amount determined in
  4. Test temperature shall be -20°C.
  5. One 16-hr cold soak cycle followed by a compression pressure check shall constitute a complete test. Demonstration of Performance.  A pass shall result in no stuck valves during the cold start. A stuck valve is defined as one in which cylinder compression is less than 80% of the normal average cylinder compression pressure.

5. Process to Attain TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline Status.   

5.1 Submission of Test Results.  A fuel company desiring TOP TIER™ Detergent Gasoline status shall forward the test results issued by the Independent Laboratory ("Test Results") to the following address: 

Center for Quality Assurance
Attn: TOP TIER Licensing Program
4800 James Savage Road
Midland, MI 48642 USA

5.2 Notification of receipt.  The Test Results shall be reviewed by GM Powertrain and, if deemed acceptable in its sole discretion, the fuel company will be provided a TOP TIER™ License Agreement for their execution. Only upon complete execution of the TOP TIER™ License Agreement by both the fuel company and GM shall the fuel company be entitled to begin use the TOP TIER™ name in connection with the distribution, promotion and sale of their gasoline, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the TOP TIER™ License Agreement.



2017/11/16 01:17:35


#6032497 IP 49.218.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



2019/03/18 07:32:57


#6063499 IP 1.200.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

台塑汽油有達到TOP TIER級汽油標準。

引擎積碳黑溜溜 愛車催油又沒力

 2019-03-15 19:03



TOP TIER級汽油積碳比低

在美國AAA汽車協會(American Automobile Association)發表研究報告,發現TOP TIER級汽油可以大幅降低汽門積碳量19.4倍,且自1996年起美國環保署EPA就規定美國各大石油公司須在製油過程加入一定的清潔添加劑配方,以減少用車積碳,並降低排氣污染量。






在台灣國家標準用油規定,並未納入引擎積碳的標準,中油與台塑的油品,據能源局委託工研院抽檢全台加油站,幾乎全部達標。不過,台塑石化的油外銷到五大洲,須達歐美規範,並加入汽油添加劑以達TOP TIER油級標準,銷往歐美。並自行檢驗與把關每半年實測油品造成積碳數據,須低於30毫克/缸。 











2019/03/18 09:54:08


#6063501 IP 111.249.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章



2019/03/18 17:37:07


#6065020 IP 180.217.*.* 修改過 1 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2019/03/18 17:40:17

發文IP 1.200.*.*



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小改款Model Y在臺展開預訂,首波推244.99萬單一車型引發熱議,U-CAR聚焦Model Y銷售機制、定價調整趨勢觀察。