BMW 大改款 X3 官方照出爐! 8AT上身,X3 xDrive20d平均油耗達17.8km/l😆 嗚大大說: 好車就是好車! 有錢一定要買一台!😍
BMW X3 xDrive20d:
-Straight four-cylinder diesel engine with aluminium crankcase, turbocharger and common Rail direct injection, -Displacement: 1,995 cc, power output: 135 kW/184 bhp at 4,000 rpm, max. -Torque: 380 Nm at 1,750 – 2,750 rpm, -Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h]: 8.5 seconds, -Top speed: 210 km/h, -Average fuel consumption according to EU: 5.6 litres/100 km, -CO2 emission according to EU: 149 g/km, -Exhaust emission standard: EU5.
BMW X3 xDrive35i:
-Straight six-cylinder petrol engine with BMW TwinPower Turbo, direct injection and VALVETRONIC, -Displacement: 2,979 cc, power output: 225 kW/306 bhp at 5,800 rpm, -Max. torque: 400 Nm at 1,300 rpm, -Acceleration [0 – 100 km/h]: 5.7 seconds, -Top speed: 245 km/h, -Average fuel consumption according to EU: 8.8 litres/100 km, -CO2 emission according to EU: 204 g/km, -Exhaust emission standard: EU5.
The automaker's compact SUV model gains a new 2.0-liter turbo diesel Duratorq TDCi engine that's available in two states of tune, a 140HP version that replaces the 136HP variant and a new 163-horsepower edition. All-wheel drive models can be specified with Ford's PowerShift six-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission.
At launch, Suzuki will offer the European version of the Swift with a choice of two engines, a new 1.2-liter petrol that makes 94HP and 118Nm / 87 lb-ft of peak torque, and a revised 1.3-liter turbo diesel with 75HP and 190Nm / 140 lb-ft.
Both engines are offered with a five-speed manual gearbox, while the petrol unit is also available with an optional four-speed automatic transmission.
According to the Japanese company, with the 1.2L petrol unit and a manual gearbox, the Swift accelerates from zero to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 12.3 seconds [Auto: 13.5 sec] and achieves a top speed of 165 km/h (103 mph). It returns a combined fuel consumption of 5.0 lt/100km, equal to 56.5mpg UK and 47.0mpg US [Auto: 5.5 lt/100km].
The diesel powered model completes the 0-100 km/h sprint in 12.7 seconds and goes on to a top speed of 165 km/h (103 mph), while returning 4.2 lt/100km, equal to 67.3mpg UK and 56.0mpg US.
據標達汽車售後服務部副總彭光中表示,為了讓VW車主能夠享有最大利益,標達汽車今年所推動的「Close to You」第一波「135項常用零件全面降價、最高降幅達50%」的活動之時,總代理便已積極向德國原廠爭取DSG變速箱延長保固,而在長久努力之下,終於得到原廠的認可,為台灣消費者爭取到四年或15萬公里的保固時限。凡擁有符合原廠規範之維保紀錄者,皆可向前追溯自掛牌日起算此項權益,讓這份利多同時可嘉惠到目前的福斯車主。
另一款充滿話題性的Cayenne S Hybrid為油電混合車型,保時捷是以「並行式」混合動力取代目前市面上常見的「分離式」混合動力系統,除具備純電力行駛的功能,超車時也能同時獲得引擎與電動馬達提供動力。特別注意一點是,這款車設計上電動馬達除了能夠提供動力或支援引擎,也能做為發電機與啟動馬達使用,也由於發電機所使用的功率構成了引擎的負荷,因此引擎能以最高效率在更有利的負荷點運行。在煞車時能夠回收能量用以充電,在時速156公里以下,「只要駕駛者放開油門,引擎就會關閉並且切離」,以避免引擎摩擦造成的阻力。位於行李廂底下的288V鎳氫電池與六缸引擎完美搭配,成就了這部保時捷旗下最乾淨的車型。
相較於前一代Cayenne車系的售價與車型,此次在Porsche台灣總代理永業公司的積極爭取下,Cayenne車系從入門款的V6引擎車型、強調環保的Cayenne S Hybrid,再到頂級款的Cayenne Turbo,都將同時導入台灣市場,而且受惠於去年底展開的配備客製化政策,今年導入的新車都將以相當實惠的價格問世,讓消費者入主一輛最基本款的車型快速圓夢,而Cayenne車系車型的基礎售價分別為下: